Tips for Introverts in an Extrovert World

The Western world demands that we be extroverts. This can be stressful for an introverted person who feels she has to act, or change her personality.

If you experience this, perhaps the following tips may help:

  1. Most important, don’t feel bad about being an introvert. Be proud of who you are, and affirm your gifts and strengths. Remember, there’s no one ideal type of personality.
  2. Try and speak out more – even though you find it hard – as your viewpoints won’t be noticed if they’re never shared or heard. And what you think’s important – you deserve to have your say.
  3. Give yourself a break and sometimes miss social events. There’s no point adding stress by doing more than you enjoy. Why should you go to everything, and not spend time alone?
  4. Make sure you take the time to recharge your batteries – as spending time with people may tire and wear you out.
  5. Also, take small breaks when you are part of a crowd. Try and just excuse yourself and spend a few moments alone.

(Taken from

Hujan dan Puisimu


Apa kau tahu?

Puisimu waktu itu

Entah kenapa

Terasa tepat sekali

Beriring bersama

Jatuh anggun ke bumi.

Siapakah dia, hujan?

Yang merengkuh kata-katamu

Memeluk dinginmu

Menyapu sisa-sisa perasaan

Menyajikan bekas-bekas luka tak terasa dan tak bernama

Sebagai hidangan penutup

Menumbuhkan karat-karat pelapuk

di prasasti kenangan.